
custom software development services

Affordable custom built software solutions

How can a small business, with only one or a few staff afford a custom software solution?

The key to this is the use of software modules. And not even all modules might require to be customised, so a combination of standard modules with custom modules allows for a fine-tuned affordable custom software solution that even a one-man-band can afford.

We are using the latest technologies to bring you the solution that will benefit you the most. With this you can be assured of a system that can grow with your business and be adapted to the future needs of your company, whether you stay where you are or expand.

By using web based technologies we are able to provide flexibility and dynamic in our solutions. The software is not bound to a single computer or a single user, but accessible from any computer with access the the server. The server can be cloud based or locally installed on your premises.


Your solution is right here


Saving money is easy

Custom built software is more cost-effective

As custom software solutions allows you to target specific (currently high costs) issues in the business, the cost saving of using a custom solution becomes instantly noticeable.

Are you missing out on income because you are not properly following up on Quotes? Or is miss-planning and double booking costing you extra because you have to hire more staff or work overtime to comply to the delivery time? Maybe creating a quote is taking you hours, while it could be done in 15 minutes?

Next to a ton of problems that can be solved using customised software, our modular solutions are able to grow with your business so that investments can be kept low.

A solution to solve your problem is possible too, contact us now to get started.

Modular software development

Modular Software Development

Our systems are developed using a modular framework that we have developed since 2010, and is still in active development.

Because of its modular nature, we are able to provide only the modules actually required and therefore keep the total system price down to an acceptable level.

This also allows us to build standard modules , industry modules and fully customised modules.

Another benefit is that we can also take an existing module and customise that specifically for our client’s needs. These are medium+ priced as only additional development is required.

Are you interested in some custom software development, then don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your options.

 Standard modules low priced as they are used by a wide range of clients
 Industry modules are medium priced as they are only applicable for a certain industry
 Fully customised modules are fully priced as they are specifically developed for one client